Reading World Book Day

I won’t be celebrating World Book Day! But you the ReadARs will.

Read this ASAP. Tomorrow, 23rd April is the World Book Day and I want you to celebrate it with full gusto.

It’s the day to celebrate the hard-work, determination & perseverance you have put-in to create your Reading Habits.

In an era where people are addicted to their smartphones, where their attention dangles like a puppet whose strings are being pulled by the social media giants, you are amongst the very rare category of people on this planet who are fighting against their distractions to build this wonderful, magical habit of Reading.

Many of you are in your First Year as a ReadAR, Some of you are in the Second Year & few of you fast approaching the completion of Third Year as a ReadAR. It’s a feat worth celebrating!

If in case some of you are wondering, this is NOT a Testimonial which I am asking you for. So you don’t have to make it about me.

This is about you. All about celebrating your feat & accomplishments in the World of Books with the World on the World Book Day.

5 Ideas How you can celebrate World Book Day –

You can choose any idea you have. But if you are short of ideas, here are 5 —

A. Write your Journey from Zero Books for X number of Years to One/Two/Three Books in a Month.

B. Share a picture of all the Books you have read ever since you began to work on your daily reading habit.

C. Write how Reading Books has helped you personally, professional or both.

D. Share your style of Reading, your tips & tricks on Reading.

E. Write a book review of the book you just Finished.

You can Write or Speak about it. Here’s how you can choose between the two

Pick one that you have been wanting to do for a long while.

If you have been wanting to Write, Write.
If you have been wanting to Speak, Speak.
If you have been wanting to Write & Speak, then Write & Speak

It’s easiest to write or speak something when you are truly passionate about it, when you have gone through that process.

Because at that moment, you’re not writing or speaking from your mind. Your Mind is the Enemy! It’s the most dubious, fickle, doubt creator, two-faced entity you will ever face.

At that moment, you will be writing or speaking from your Heart. ❤️Your heart is always at the right place, always true to the core & always speaks at the emotional level others can instantly connect on.

Write your Heart out. Speak your Heart out. Period.

3 Steps to Ease your Fears of Writing & Speaking

I wrote this entire essay in 15 mins & Editing took 10 mins.

Heck sharing it personally with each ReadAR will take more time!

Here are the 3 simplest tips you can apply

  1. Set a timer of 15/20 minutes to Write on your Laptop/Mobile. Put your phone on Airplane Mode by default, even if you are writing on your Mobile. And sit where you can see your pile of books you have read.
  2. Now write. When you are writing, do not let your mind interfere. Just write anything and everything that comes out of your mind. Do not correct grammar mistakes, Do not edit any sentence at all, Do not try to beautify right now. Just Write.
    P.S — Welcome to the art called Freewriting.
  3. Now Edit. Quick & Fast
    a. Copy & paste what you have written & put it on Grammarly Free Account (it’s quite effective)

    b. Format it for “Readability in 2022” – Recall James Clear’s Atomic Habits – he had written in big fonts & short paragraphs. Only few paragraphs went beyond 7 continuous lines. Your paragraph should ideally be 3-5 lines long.

If you are going to speak, you should write for 5/10 minutes as above, and then hit record!

Ship your Content!

The world is waiting to hear your story. Share it!

You have done the hard work to writing your story. It’s time to share it with the world. Most people get stuck here.

I have been one of them. I’ve hesitant in sharing my story, in showing my work over the last decade. And I am the one who is still paying for it. Today I have to work 10x harder to share something.

The best thing you can do for yourself is to not be AR.

Share! Not for likes. Not for social media validation. (You will ofcourse get them) Not to become a Social Media Influencer & Definitely Not for AR.

You will be Sharing this for yourself. Present & Future Self.

On the days when your future self feels bad, feels down, all you will have to do is to check these posts and reflect on the incredible progress you have made on this journey.

Some tips & tricks for the platform you choose

If you are sharing on LinkedIn, the best time to post is between 9 AM to 11 AM.

If you are sharing on Instagram, the best time to post is between 9 – 11 AM OR 5:30 – 6:30 PM.

If you are sharing on Twitter, the best time to post is between 8 – 9 AM or 7:30 to 8:30 PM.

Get set go. Write & Ship it!

As aNIKEt says — “Just Do It”

If reading this has inspired you, don’t wait for tomorrow to take the next step. Just start right away.

Once you have shipped it on social media platforms, go ahead and share it with your Group of ReadARs.

And don’t forget to share the link on your Whatsapp Status too. The most powerful discovery tool right now 🙂

If you have any question, ask in the comments OR preferably on the Group (Batch 22/21 or The ReadARs Club)

P.S — If you feel like, you can tag me 🙂 — No compulsion

Instagram – @thereadinghabits;
Twitter – @AniketReads &
LinkedIn – Aniket Rai


Read for a Cause

This Janta Curfew Day, take a break from Netflix, Youtube, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter to create time for yourself.

And spend it to rediscover the love for Reading – THAT TOO FOR A NOBLE CAUSE.

What are you waiting for – go ping on WhatsApp to join in right away.

Sign-up with “The ReadARs Club” on WhatsApp

100% proceeds from the “Read for a Cause Reading Marathon” will be donated to Corona Virus Relief Fund (the moment they are announced) & to NGOs supporting the education of underprivileged kids.

Anyone from the country, across all age groups can join this digital reading marathon.

Here’s what we will be doing as part of the Reading Marathon. (Articles will span across a variety of genres & shall be about POSITIVE vibes only)

These perfectly chosen articles will each span a reading duration of 5 – 10 mins

Feel free to share this further with your friends and family.

For more details/queries, ping on WhatsApp at +91 – 90968 17279


Smart compilation of the must-read articles on COVID-19 (Coronavirus)

Are you tired of the Fearmongering Whatsapp Forwards & News channels peddling Fear & Paranoia about COVID-19 all around you?
Perhaps before you read any further, you need to switch them all OFF. And please do the same for your parents/grandparents.

In this era of widespread video consumption, reading about something this serious has taken a backseat. And that’s not the good thing since it has allowed “disinformation” to go viral.

And precisely why it has become hard to discern the actual impact, especially since social media is mixing facts with fiction. This is a dangerous cocktail as a result of which information in the form of articles, research, commentary, and videos that come from experts – is getting lost in translation.

Talking about experts, I am not talking about arm-chair analysts who have an opinion about everything in this universe. These experts are scientists, immunologists, viral disease researchers; ones who have dedicated their entire careers for something like this. And for that matter, I am not expert either (except when it comes to reading & helping others rediscover their love for reading)

Therefore I have decided to compile this list of BRILLIANT go-to articles across the world that have got all the essential information for you to be “Informed” without being driven into a state of Panic. I believe that, if you read through the smart stuff, you will come to appropriate, fact-based conclusions about whether you would prefer to take basic measures & keep your calm OR become paranoid.

If you are into stats; then look no further than these realtime dashboards being maintained by the John Hopkins University’s Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE)

Realtime Visual Dashboards (Mobile Version)

Realtime Visual Dashboards (Desktop Version)

About COVID-19

Coronavirus: Why You Must Act Now

This article has simply gone viral with more than 28 million views in over a week! An absolute go-to primer on the entire subject with smashingly good data visualisations.

Don’t Panic: The comprehensive Ars Technica guide to the coronavirus

The ready reckoner of all things Corona (not the beer!)

Why ‘flattening the curve’ may be the world’s best bet to slow the coronavirus

This brilliant concept has become the “go-to” phrase in the fight against COVID-19. If you haven’t adopted social distancing yet, I hope this article makes you think about it long enough for you to implement it by yourselves instead of waiting for the government/company to impose it on you.

Cancel Everything

If by any remote chance, you were being puzzled why ‘everyone’s cancelling everything’; this article will help you understand why. It’s an extension to the idea of social-distancing mooted in the article above. Make sure you read that one first before this one.

Why 1918 matters in India’s corona war

The world is panic-stricken & for rightful reasons. India has so far done a lot in sageguarding itself. However many of the citizens are are still defiant about the threat & ramifications of such pandemics. This article is one that’s surely going to help you understand why we really to need to up the ante.

‘Over-reacting is better than non-reacting’

And if you are still being overtly skeptical as to why its much better idea to over-react now than when its too late; well then let this post by the WEF (World Economic Forum) enlighten you.
Also Nassim Nicholas Taleb – the author of Black Swan – has a peach of a quote – “If you have to panic, panic early”

Zero Trust Information

Wanna know what happens when disinformation outlasts information. Read no further than this brilliant analytical article.
P.S – Start reading from “The Implication of More Information” section as otherwise this article will be too technical for a majority of readers.

If you are working remotely; or are planning to…

11 Best Practices for Working Remotely

This is fast turning out to be my reference guide in order to deal with the “sounds easy but turns out to be insanely difficult” task of working remotely. If you have had WFH imposed on you by your organisation, or if you are ahead of the curve and on self-imposed WFH; please go through this brilliant article.

Working in a coronavirus world: Strategies and tools for staying productive

This is from one of favorite technical know-how websites. Some rare mentions worth trying out. Remember – Humankind will come out fine post this coronavirus frenzy – and along with yet another wave of disruption!

Well by no means that this list is exhaustive but as and when I come across something more brilliant, I will keep appending into this list further.

If you believe that this was a worthy compilation, feel free to share it with your near & dear ones.

Don’t forget –
1. Share “information” ASAP; much before disinformation creeps into the inbox of your loved ones.
2. Stay Calm & Be Informed rather than be panic-stricken
3. Maintain social distance; & wash your hands leisurely, as much as you can.

Book Club ReadARs Reading

This is the End.

I write long posts.

This one is not.

This has not been an easy decision, but it’s a necessary one.

Only when I close this book of my life that I can move onto the next.

Immediate Next Steps —

I will leave the groups open for conversation till 31st August 2024.

I will close them down as we enter September.

Over the next 3 days, share your cherished memories

Appreciate the friends you connected, chatted & grew along with!

AND EVEN RANT if you are disappointed with my decision.

In one sentence – I couldn’t scale it.

The paid membership poll I asked served as the final litmus test.

The barrage of questions, objections & hesitation sealed its fate.

For some of you who polled Yes, I am Sorry.

For most of you who polled No, thank you.

My Call to Arms to the ReadARs

ReadARs who joined b/w 2019 to 2023 — The ReadARs Club 1.0 &
ReadARs who joined in 2024 — The ReadARs Club 2.0

You came here to build a Habit of Reading.

Now you are ready to fly away from the nest.

Go out there & be the ambassadors of Reading.

Keep applying all that you have learnt in this journey.

That’s all you need.

Thank You to each & every ReadAR —

You are the most important people on this planet.

You made the transitions happen.

It all started in 2019 as a mere 50 day Reading Challenge.

Then evolved into “The Reading Habits” cohort based course.

And nestled into “The ReadARs Club”

I’ve come across gems of ReadARs, who brought their unique skillsets to become such an asset for the whole community.

“People come for the course, but stay for the Community.”

You made me learn this lesson forever.

I can’t mention all wonderful ReadARs here as the list will go on.
(remember this isn’t a long post)

Over the rest of 2024, I will seek to have a 1:1 to thank them.

Special Thanks

None of this would have happened had it not been for my wife, Nikita Punjabi. (LI, YT)

I rebuilt my habit of Reading in 2016 & 2017 because of her.

It was because of her encouragement that the ReadARs was started.

She has had to bear with me as I tried, experimented, faltered.

She even decided to help me further, with Guided reads on Fiction books.

And doing so helped both of us see that the end was near.

Today, the end is here.

What lies next for me —

I don’t know what future unfolds.

But now is the time to rebuild.

In the immediate terms, I will read to improve my health and career.

Both have been on a slippery downward slope for the last two years.

In terms of Reading, I believe my journey has just begun.

There are many areas that I can get better — especially note-taking, writing book reviews & content curated from books.

I hope you will say the same about yourself.

I am certain our paths will cross again.

Let’s stay connected via —

1. LinkedIn

2. Youtube

My Instagram presence is questionable!
(3 Accounts yet no effing clue what to do.)

4. Facebook – Who knows if I start using it.

And I am one DM away on WhatsApp.

I will share my personal number in the groups — please save it.

I can’t guarantee that the professional number with which I’ve ran ReadARs, will exist cometh 2025.

Thank You for Reading all the way down.

Audiobook How to ReadARs Reading

Audiobooks — What to do & What not to do — Part 1

Hey ReadARs

Here’s the first part of audiobooks, what to do and what not to do and everything here on a very Monday morning.

When to listen.

I usually listen to audiobooks when I’m doing something else.

When I say something else, I’m doing something like running, or working out, or when I’m driving a car, or when I’m in a cab, and it’s night time, so reading inside the cab is obviously not so possible.

I also listen to them when I’m also doing some household chore, or when I’m brewing my coffee. So I plug into audiobooks when I’m doing something else.

But not when I’m doing something very intensive, or you know, cognitively, my mind is required somewhere else. So if I’m running a program or coding it, no, no, not at all.

So when I’m doing something where my mind is not being utilized fully, okay, I listen to audiobooks.

Step 1 — “find your slot” to listen to audiobook.

That’s why you will see a lot of people listen to audiobooks when they are walking, or when they are driving, so passively listening. Remember this word, passively listening.

How long to listen to audiobooks at one stretch?

Actually, this is where a lot of people make a lot of mistakes. They go on a long stretch, their journey is one and a half hours long, and they will continue listening to the audiobook, not realizing somewhere around 20th to 30th minute mark, they would have actually stopped listening. And then they just let the book continue.

Even though we have two ears and one mouth, we have poor listeners. In fact, listening to audiobooks improves you as a listener, okay. That’s a very intangible, but very powerful benefit of audiobooks.

But your mind also has a cognitive limit, where it will stop really listening in. That sweet spot is between 20th to 30th minute mark. As you build that practice in, as you build your reps in, you’ll go from 20 to 30, okay. 20 is still a very sweet spot. Keep this 20 in mind as well.

What speed to listen?

Now, this is where again, there’s a lot of BS around, where what you should listen to 2x or 2.5x above, because you should quickly complete the book, there’s so many books out there. Yeah, they would have their own school of philosophy, I consider that as BS. I still believe 1.5x is the final point, okay. Obviously, to each their own.

The speed range, which I find very helpful is 0.85x to 1.25x.

I’ll explain to you when.

If I’m running, if the world around me is moving faster when I’m running, or when I’m driving, so the world around me is moving faster, okay. That’s when I bring the speed down to 0.85x. That’s when I slow down the audio book so that because the world around me is moving fast, I can grasp a little bit better.

When I’m at home brewing my coffee, or when I’m in a cabin, I can literally close my eyes and slow the world down for myself, I go to 1 or 1.25x.

You find your suitable listening speed. As I said, we are poor listeners, so don’t go over the top.

I barely use 1.5x in reserve scenarios where I’ve gone through the book already, maybe I’ve read it, I’ve already heard it, and I’m re-going through it, so that’s not the right word, but nevertheless. I’m going through it again, so that’s when I maybe, occasionally, I go to 1.5x.

Anything more than that, it won’t make sense. If you are at too high speed, all you will listen to it is Tape Recorder in Fast Forward Mode.

What not to do when listening to an audiobook?

  1. Avoid Audiobook while doing something very cognitive.
    I skip audiobooks when I am doing an intense activity where your mind has to be involved.
  2. So if you are driving a two-wheeler, I will tell you to avoid audiobooks. It should be strictly avoided anyways, but a lot of people still keep their earphones in. In a car, it’s relatively safer, but obviously in a car, don’t put your airpods on, okay. If you are in a car and listening, put it on the speaker, rather, so that you still have some sense left to drive, okay. Don’t fully smash your senses in.
  3. Avoid regression.

    See, audiobook is about exploring, it’s about soaking the information in. You are not going to retain everything out of it, okay. You are going to be like a sponge, which will retain what it wanted, and then everything else will drain off. This is also where the point of not going beyond 20-30 minutes comes into play. Your mind is only going to be able to soak some information.

    So avoid continuously keep going back 30 seconds or 60 seconds or back and forth. A small chapter will become huge if you do so. This is called regression. Avoid regression as much as you can.

    The only time I do this, okay, so there is also a caveat for everything in life. So if I’m running and the author has said something, wow, okay. Now because I’m running, my mind is still on the road and traffic around and stuff. So if the author has said something, wow, I would go back and do that 30 seconds back or 60 seconds back. I will set the settings to 60 seconds back. So if I just click a button while the audio book is playing, I can go 60 seconds back and listen to the entire portion of it. I do think 30 seconds is the best place because you don’t have to additionally listen. But in 60 seconds, it will give you a little bit of context. So I do regress sometimes, but it’s very, very rare. Only in a scenario when I’m doing something else and I missed. The rest of the time, go past. The audio book is about just soaking in.

Last but not the least, make a quick scribble of two minutes or three minutes after your listening session.

I’ll expand into it on how to retain better with the audio books in the part two of this video, which should come to you on a Tuesday morning, that is tomorrow.

After any listening session, just scribble what you heard in two or three quick minutes. Don’t try to make a whole summary essay out of it. But don’t try to ignore it either.

These two or three minutes, when combined with your 20 to 30 minutes of listening session, just are going to change the game for you. They’re not only going to make you a better listener, a better retainer of information, but it changes the way you look at audio books and reading and books, all sorts of knowledge and information as well.

So, yeah, this is what you have to do. This is the first quick video of do’s and don’ts of audio books. Part two of this will come tomorrow morning. So, watch it. That one will be a short one. I’m just setting this up for all of you.

P.S — Do the audible settings as well. Go to audible. If you’re on audible, go to settings. It’s on the top right corner, three lines. Click there, settings. Just go to the general and playback speed. That 30 second or 60 second thing, whichever you’re going to be more comfortable with. I’m comfortable with 60 seconds. The default setting, I think, is 30 seconds. If you’re fine with default, let it be. Don’t overdo.

That’s it for today. Thank you.
Let me know in the group if this video was helpful for you.


Let’s Read Socially!

“Do Epic Shit”
“Get Epic Shit Done”

Reading Alone is Boring

Reading Socially is engaging, interactive & fun!

So how about we Read these two “Epic” books by the One & Only Ankur Warikoo.

Please note – You will have to buy these two books on your own.

You can buy both these books here

Book Club ReadARs Reading

Notion & ReadARs

It took me a while to adopt Notion.

Back in 2020, I had estimated that Notion will grow into something big.

But until 2022 arrived, I couldn’t move my arse out of the comfort zone of using basic note-making apps.

2022 was when I began using Notion.

In 2023, I am doubling my usage of Notion.

To share my knowledge with my beloved community of ReadARs, I am kickstarting a series of sessions on Notion.

Session 1 — 18th January at 9 PM IST
Session 2 — 19th January at 9 PM IST

Sign-up for these sessions here 👇

5 years from now, every big corporate organization will be using Notion.

Why not you get started way ahead of them
(& before you are forced to adopt it)

Book Club Reading

The ReadARs Club Elite

Time has arrived for all of us to chart out the next leg of the Growth Journey as members of The ReadARs Club

Introducing to all of you — The ReadARs Club Elite.

Here’s how Elite would be a game-changer for the ReadARs —


A topic specific cohort ranging between 2-4 weeks.

Great Readers Write — 4 Week Mini-Cohort designed to help Readers level-up their Reading Game via the power of Writing, coupled along with Accountability and Audience-driven metrics.

Atomic Learning — 4 Week Mini-Cohort designed to help you level-up your skillsets by learning every day through the Self-Paced Courses.

Habit Tracking 2.0 — Yes I was wrong to not continue further with the erstwhile Habit Tracking Group. I am resuming it with a pledge that I will keep making the entire process of Habit Tracking more effective every month.


1-2 hour workshops spaced intermittently

Read — Better, Faster, Smarter

Continuous Learning Program to refresh & enhance your Reading skills. Total of 12 Workshops that lie in store for the ReadARs.

DG — Build your Digital Garden

Call it Digital Garden or call it Second Brain. 2023 is a year where I want all the ReadARs to compulsorily build one of their own. Even if it inefficient (and it will be); even if it is not beautiful (Great Gardens don’t get built overnight)

EATS — Manage Energy, Attention, Time & Smartphone Better.

Guest Events

Earlier this year, I called in Sathya & Jill Metcalfe to deliver their keynotes on Mind-Maps & Notion at the ReadARs Annual Summit

Well I am doubling-up on that.

I will be leveraging my connections & invite them as external speakers to deliver a keynote on topics that matter to each of us.

Oh yes! I intend to get Authors to join in & Elite members would get to be a part of it.

Get Paid!

Who here would hate to make some money to buy all the wonderful books from? I wouldn’t.

Get Paid to be an Alumni Guide

Get Paid to play official roles.

Get Paid as an Affiliate & get your friends/connections join into the Reading Habits Cohorts

Curious to know the Schedule of Mini-Cohorts, Workshops & Guest Events. Here you go 👇

Let’s address the Elephant in the Room — Pricing

Membership will be valid for one year effective from 01-01-2023 till 31-12-2023

I intend to open-up The ReadARs Club Elite for the world outside this year. Their pricing will be 2X the pricing tier of the ReadARs.

If you are game-on for being part of The ReadARs Club Elite, DM me on Whatsapp so that I could initiate the Onboarding Process for you.

If you don’t feel like paying for one year membership —

I will be moving you out of TRC and will be subsequently adding you to a low-noise channel (tentatively called The ReadARs Hub)

The purpose of this channel is so that you don’t lose touch with your identity as a Reader. This channel will also have Free GRPs occasionally.

We have only got 3 days left in this 2022.

Ample Time to make one decision for your 2023.

Whatever it is, Let me know.

Any queries – Ask me Directly or Ask me in the Group. But Ask 🙂