I write long posts.
This one is not.
I am shutting down
The ReadARs Club.
This has not been an easy decision, but it’s a necessary one.
Only when I close this book of my life that I can move onto the next.
Immediate Next Steps —
I will leave the groups open for conversation till 31st August 2024.
I will close them down as we enter September.
Over the next 3 days, share your cherished memories
Appreciate the friends you connected, chatted & grew along with!
AND EVEN RANT if you are disappointed with my decision.
Why am I shutting it down —
In one sentence – I couldn’t scale it.
The paid membership poll I asked served as the final litmus test.
The barrage of questions, objections & hesitation sealed its fate.
For some of you who polled Yes, I am Sorry.
For most of you who polled No, thank you.
My Call to Arms to the ReadARs —
ReadARs who joined b/w 2019 to 2023 — The ReadARs Club 1.0 &
ReadARs who joined in 2024 — The ReadARs Club 2.0
You came here to build a Habit of Reading.
Now you are ready to fly away from the nest.
Go out there & be the ambassadors of Reading.
Keep applying all that you have learnt in this journey.
That’s all you need.
Thank You to each & every ReadAR —
You are the most important people on this planet.
You made the transitions happen.
It all started in 2019 as a mere 50 day Reading Challenge.
Then evolved into “The Reading Habits” cohort based course.
And nestled into “The ReadARs Club”
I’ve come across gems of ReadARs, who brought their unique skillsets to become such an asset for the whole community.
“People come for the course, but stay for the Community.”
You made me learn this lesson forever.
I can’t mention all wonderful ReadARs here as the list will go on.
(remember this isn’t a long post)
Over the rest of 2024, I will seek to have a 1:1 to thank them.
Special Thanks
None of this would have happened had it not been for my wife, Nikita Punjabi. (LI, YT)
I rebuilt my habit of Reading in 2016 & 2017 because of her.
It was because of her encouragement that the ReadARs was started.
She has had to bear with me as I tried, experimented, faltered.
She even decided to help me further, with Guided reads on Fiction books.
And doing so helped both of us see that the end was near.
Today, the end is here.
What lies next for me —
I don’t know what future unfolds.
But now is the time to rebuild.
In the immediate terms, I will read to improve my health and career.
Both have been on a slippery downward slope for the last two years.
In terms of Reading, I believe my journey has just begun.
There are many areas that I can get better — especially note-taking, writing book reviews & content curated from books.
I hope you will say the same about yourself.
I am certain our paths will cross again.
Let’s stay connected via —
1. LinkedIn
2. Youtube
My Instagram presence is questionable!
(3 Accounts yet no effing clue what to do.)
4. Facebook – Who knows if I start using it.
And I am one DM away on WhatsApp.
I will share my personal number in the groups — please save it.
I can’t guarantee that the professional number with which I’ve ran ReadARs, will exist cometh 2025.
Thank You for Reading all the way down.