First thing first – Why am I writing this article.
As the rising number of Covid cases take country by the storm in this third wave, some of the ReadARs have pinged me to mention that they are not feeling well. For some their reports have come out to be as Covid +ve.
The One Thing I want all of you to remember is – Don’t Panic.
While I am not medically qualified nor am I an expert to share what you should do or not. I am only borrowing a page out of my own experience with Covid to share what you can do –
- Stage 1 – When isolation helps you.
- Drop me a message that you’re not feeling well.
- Don’t force yourself to read the book/article.
Focus on your recovery first & foremost.
Health is all that matters. Eat. Rest. Sleep. Repeat. - Stay in touch with your doctor and update them about your conditions on timely basis. If the doctor is not a familiar one and has prescribed too many medicines, get a 2nd check with another doc.
I had two doctors who I was in regular contact with. - Routinely check your blood oxygen levels with the Oxymeter. Keep your family members updated about how you are feeling. This will get their nerves to calm down.
- Stay away from Phone for the rest of the times. Eat. Sleep. Repeat
- Once you start feeling better after first few days of isolation, this is when the tricky part begins.
- Stage 2 – When isolation doesn’t help you.
- You will start feeling better as the common ailments might have gone & you would feel less fatigued. Unfortunately the isolation period will continue for the greater good of your family. This is when things get tricky.
- Now don’t get sucked up by your phone. The four walls of the room will make you anxious which might drive you to spend a lot of time on your phone, chatting with friends on WA or in scrolling endlessly on time consuming apps which will ultimately impact your recovery.
- You can avoid that by – Reading the book you were supposed to before Covid happened. If you are not able to, re-read any of the book you liked earlier in the program. It will bring back happy memories.
- If you can’t avoid your phone, use it with purpose. Read the articles that you read earlier OR Record your thoughts/experience on Camera in Video or on Audio.
I made around 4 reels just to keep my mind occupied.
I am sharing my experience of how I dealt with Covid and you can choose to deal with it the same way or not. Do what suits you. But whichever way you decide to, remember – Don’t Panic.
My Experience (Read further only if you can)
It was the day after Holi, 30th March 2021. Nikita & I were returning from a wellness resort after spending the festive occasion with our friends in the surroundings of the mother nature.
(In hindsight – it was a bad idea LOL😅)
While I was driving, I noticed that I was sweating more than usual, despite the AC of the car being on. Once we reached our home, I sat on the chair and in no time, my head started spinning. Something was wrong and I had no idea what.
I woke up and had caught strong fever. Suspecting the worst, I went to the testing centre and got Rapid Test done & was declared +ve.
My RT-PCR report came the next day, on 1st April as Covid +ve. Thus began my 14 days of room isolation, on the fools day! 🤬
I took the following with me in my room isolation-
- Books that ReadARs were reading.
- Books that I was Reading
- My journal & laptop
- And even my study desk which I transferred to isolation room.
I couldn’t let my ailments impact the reading momentum of any of my ReadARs, but I made some adjustments. Some of you might recall this announcement I had made.

But heck room isolation takes its toll. You can only stare the walls.
First three days were marked by fever, headaches and fatigue. I didn’t read in any of these. Heck! I didn’t even focus on books as I wanted to recover first.
When I was feeling better, I decided to read books instead of getting into Whatsapp and letting my anxiety compound. And when I was done with books, I began recording Instagram Reels. Funny as it may sound – that was the only period I made Instagram Reels!
Quarantine got over and 8 months have come to pass by. As the country is gripped by the third wave, all I can say – Don’t Panic.
And if nothing that I have shared above works – Ping me or Call me. And as always, I will try my best to help you cope.
Stay Strong, Recover Stronger.
2 replies on “How I dealt with Covid in 2021 & how you can too.”
Nice to go through the covid experience and sharing the best possible activities during covid isolation. This is very important for better recovery process Aniket. I am sure it will work for others as well it worked for you!
Nice Article Aniket…Good Read.