
29-30 Jan’22 Weekend Reads

Curated by AR for the ReadARs

One of the most common ask of the ReadARs in the end of the year 2021 feedback form was to be able to read articles on the weekends.

The weekend cover-up days usually resulted in backfiring on one major fronts — The diligent ReadARs, who had no reading portion to cover-up, were having their reading momentum broken.

Thus starts from this weekend, for all the upcoming weekends of 2022, the Weekend Reads Column.

Here’s the format I would like you to follow –

Read any one article (from the choice of 3)

After reading, post in the comments as follows –

  • Which article you read (for my reference)
  • Drop a 2-line summary (for your retention)

Here we go then —

Article A – Feel free to stop striving: learn to relish being an amateur

Article B – How the Ballpoint Pen killed the Cursive

Article C – 10 Things That Helped Maria Popova Build A Multi-Million Blog Audience

Bonus Read – The Two Best Ways to Win at Wordle

That’s all folks.

Next weekend reads will land first thing in your inbox on Saturday morning 🙂